A visible-light image of the Andromeda Galaxy, taken by Torben Hansen.
CC Torben Hansen

Heston Blumenthal Space Food - Lime Curd

Heston Blumenthal Space Food - Lime Curd

The celebrity chef, Heston Blumenthal, is known for his scientific approach to cooking. His pioneering techniques have earned him Michelin stars and a fellowship of the Royal Society of Chemistry. After two years of research, Heston and his team produced seven dishes specially for British astronaut Tim Peake's mission aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The aim was to create food that was more than merely fuel. His dishes were designed to lift morale and stimulate memories of home, as well as tasting delicious.

Space food has come a long way since the simple tubes of purees eaten by the first astronauts. Before departing for the ISS, astronauts can choose their menus out of over 200 options. The food is reported to be generally pleasant, if a little bland. The environment it is consumed in is partly to blame, as microgravity causes the senses to dull. The faint smell of machinery mixed with body odour and the constant 60 decibel engine noise experienced on the ISS, hardly provide an ideal ambiance for dining.

Before being approved for flight, space food must undergo rigorous testing. It must stay edible for a year or more and adhere to a long list of restrictions. The process of thermal stabilisation, necessary to ensure the foods are safe to eat, can alter the texture of food dramatically. With these obstacles to overcome, Heston devised a flavour packed menu based on Tim Peake’s personal memories.

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Object number



Artefact Store

Has this object been into space?


Dimension - Dimension, Value, Measurement unit

Diameter: 7.3cm
Height: 3.5cm



Associated Person

Tim Peake

Object Production Organisation


Object Production Person

Heston Blumenthal
J. Henaff

On Display Status

In storage

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