A visible-light image of the Andromeda Galaxy, taken by Torben Hansen.
CC Torben Hansen

Russian Survival Kit

This Russian survival kit was used by pilots and cosmonauts from the late 1960s onwards. For cosmonauts, as part of a larger kit called the NAZ-3 survival kit, this metal box contains a selection of useful equipment in case of landing in the wilderness after a space mission.

The contents of the kit are listed on the front of the box, which loosely translate to:

1. Pistol Cartridges
2. Signal Cartridges
3. Caramel
4. Radio Antenna
5. Dry Fuel
6. Dressings
7. Matches
8. Mirror

The kit also includes instructions for using syringes, morphine, promedol (an opioid analgesic), and athene (a nerve agent antidote, in case of poisoning). The box itself can also be used as a pan, to eat from.

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Object number



Artefact Store

Has this object been into space?


Dimension - Dimension, Value, Measurement unit

Width: 18.0cm
Length: 15.5cm
Depth: 4.0cm



Associated Organisation


Object Production Date

After 1968

Object Production Organisation

NPP Zvezda

On Display Status

Not on display

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