A visible-light image of the Andromeda Galaxy, taken by Torben Hansen.
CC Torben Hansen

The Sunday Times Magazine 14 July 1968

The Sunday Times Magazine 14 July 1968

The artwork on the front cover is a painting by cosmonaut Alexei Leonov of himself performing the first ever spacewalk. During the Voskhod 2 mission Leonov spent 12 minutes outside the capsule tethered to the airlock with a 5-metre-long ‘umbilical cord’ to prevent him floating off into space. At 500 kilometres above the Earth, Leonov became the first person to have a completely unobstructed view of our planet stretching out below him.

Leonov was an amateur artist and brought a sketchbook with him into space to record his experiences. He later made these into paintings. Some of his paintings were published for the first time outside Russia in this magazine, which charts the progress of America and Russia in their attempts to put a man on the Moon.

The magazine includes an article about the Space Race comparing whether America or Russia had scored the biggest firsts. It explains how the Apollo missions will land on the Moon and contains profiles of some Apollo astronauts.

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Dimension - Dimension, Value, Measurement unit

Length: 33cm
Width: 26cm



Object Production Date

14 July 1968

On Display Status

Not on display

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