A visible-light image of the Andromeda Galaxy, taken by Torben Hansen.
CC Torben Hansen

Fake Roswell Alien Head

Fake Roswell Alien Head

This alien head prop was made to try and discredit the Roswell alien autopsy film that went public in the mid-1990s. The alien head was anonymously delivered to the headquarters of the Fortean Times magazine, claiming to show that the famous alien autopsy film was faked. Further study by the Charles Fort Institute and the Fortean Times team showed that the head was not the same as the one used in the film.

In 1947 William Brazel discovered unusual debris near Roswell, New Mexico. He reported it to the local air force base, who carried out an investigation, before releasing a statement that they had retrieved the remains of a flying disk. This raised some local interest, but remained largely forgotten about until the late 1970s, when accusations of government coverups and conspiracies started to surface. Claims were made that Roswell had been the site of an alien UFO crash.

The American military has always admitted that there were incidents near Roswell, but put it down to a balloon used to monitor nuclear tests and some crash test dummies - which, with the addition of time, have fuelled the claims of UFO activity. On 28 August 1995, Fox TV aired a documentary based on Roswell called 'Alien Autopsy: Fact or Fiction'. The documentary sparked controversy as it focussed on a film provided by film maker Ray Santilli, claiming to be original footage shot by an ex-air force cameraman of an autopsy being carried out on an alien from the Roswell crash. The documentary became worldwide news, although Santilli later admitted that the film was a fake - although, he claimed that there had been a genuine autopsy film, which he had re-shot after the original film had been destroyed.

Whilst the debate raged on about Roswell in early 1996, the Fortean Times magazine received an anonymous delivery of a cardboard box from a courier. Inside it was this prop alien head and a note claiming that the head proved the alien autopsy film was a fake. Investigations comparing the head with measurements taken from stills of the film footage revealed that this could not be the case. Although a very professionally made quality model, the head could not be from the Roswell film.

This alien head is therefore a fake, claiming to prove a film to be a fake, which in itself has later been shown to be a fake film of a fake alien crash.

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Object number



The Universe Gallery

Has this object been into space?


Dimension - Dimension, Value, Measurement unit

Depth: 27cm
Height: 50cm
Width: 26cm
Weight: 2.25kg



Associated Organisation

Charles Fort Institute

Object Production Date

Circa 1995

Object Production Person


Credit Line

On loan from the Charles Fort Institute

On Display Status

On display

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