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Bill Anders - Ad Astra

  • 10th Jun 2024

We are sorry to hear of the passing of NASA astronaut William “Bill” Anders. Born 17 October 1933, Anders lived an extraordinary life, which included taking one of the most famous photographs in history. As a member of the Apollo 8 mission in 1968, Anders was part of the first crewed spacecraft to orbit the Moon.

Selected as part of the third group of NASA astronauts, Anders was chosen to fly with Frank Borman and Jim Lovell on the Apollo 8 mission. The three astronauts became the first people to see the Moon up close, travelling further from Earth than anyone had before. During the mission, Anders took a picture that has become known as ‘Earthrise’. As the spacecraft passed over the Moon’s surface, the Earth came into view above the horizon and Anders quickly grabbed a camera and took what is regarded as one of the most influential photographs ever taken. The image offered a new perspective of our planet and went on to inspire the burgeoning environmental movement back on Earth.

After his career at NASA, Anders played influential roles in the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Department of Energy, and as CEO of General Dynamics. In later life he set up the William A. Anders Foundation for the benefit of educational and environmental issues. He was also awarded the NASA Distinguished Service Medal for his contributions to the American space programme.

Ad Astra Bill

Full references / credits:

(Banner image) Ad Astra background design. Credit: ©National Space Centre

(1) Earthrise image. Credit: NASA

(2) Bill Anders on Apollo 8. Credit: NASA