The Arecibo Message.
Arne Nordmann CC BY-SA 3.0

Where are the Aliens?

  • 4th Jul 2024
  • Author: Caitlin Hauxwell

In sixteenth century Naples, in the dormitory of an ancient monastery, a priest had a forbidden thought – what if we weren’t alone in the Universe? This man, Giordano Bruno, with his cache of banned books, dreamt of an endless cosmos with countless stars, each with their own system of orbiting planets.

Bruno was one of the first to see the stars in the night sky and imagine alien sunsets, not superstitions. For his critical thinking, however, he was accused of heresy. Bruno died the laughing stock of the fledgling scientific world, and it would take many more decades until we slowly began to discover the truth laid out by this incredible man.  

Radio Buzz

Bruno wasn’t the first person to dream of worlds beyond our planet, and he wouldn’t be the last. Works from ancient Greece, Jain scripture, and medieval poetry all speculate the existence of life elsewhere. But it was only in the last century that we were able to turn this conjecture into a science.

Firstly, it’s important to know that we humans are noisy. On a cosmic scale. For the last two centuries, our constant back-and-forth babble via radio communications has projected an ever-growing bubble of buzz and hum around our planet, one that could be detected from elsewhere in the local galaxy. We produce a lot of other interreference, too, but radio waves, especially, are long and low-energy, and they can travel many millions of miles without being disturbed.

Radio signals can be emitted from all sorts of processes, not just intelligent civilisations, but scientists love to listen out for anything that could be interpreted as some kind of alien signature.

Interstellar Communication

Most famously, in 1977, an astronomer called Jerry Ehman intercepted a strong beam of radio waves emanating from the constellation Sagittarius – a signal now known as the Wow! signal, due to its unnatural intensity. Unfortunately, in the years that followed, scientists have been unable to hear any more signals from this patch of the sky and the source of this signal remains a mystery. Could it have been a message?

We ourselves have been known to use this method of interstellar communication. Enter Dr Frank Drake and the Arecibo Observatory.

The year is 1974 and encoded into the binary string of a radio beam, blasted straight towards the globular cluster M13 from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico, is a series of diagrams and graphics – the numbers one to ten; the atomic numbers of common Earth elements; the formulae of DNA nucleotides; the double-helix DNA structure; the dimensions and shape of an average human; and diagrams of the solar system along with the Arecibo telescope which sent the signal.

Written by Dr Drake, this was the first message sent deliberately into space from Earth.

The Science of Searching

Dr Frank Drake also worked on the “Pioneer Plaques.” These were engraved messages, bolted to the side of the Pioneer space probes, which were designed to be read by any aliens who might intercept them in their millennia-long lifetimes exploring the wider cosmos.

But Drake is maybe best-known for the “Drake Equation,” which attempted to put a number on the likelihood of alien life existing beyond our world. Coined in 1961, the equation describes N, the number of civilisations in our galaxy that we could communicate with, and goes as follows:

N = R* • fp • ne • fl • fi • fc • L

This may look complicated, but it simply describes the number of factors scientists must consider when looking for extra-terrestrial life. First, scientists must consider R*, the rate at which stars form. fp is the proportion of these stars that have planets. ne is the proportion of these planets that could support life, while fl is the number of these that actually go on to develop life. fi is the likelihood that this life is intelligent. fc and L consider the chances of these species releasing signals into space, and for how many years these signals will be created.

Phew! That was a lot. But the main point is that the Drake Equation provided an outline for astrophysicists to follow, and a list of factors to look for in their cosmic observations. In fact, a few years later the iconic SETI (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) Institute was founded, in part to research these very same things.

That said, it’s all well and good to detect aliens with this, but will we ever be able to meet them? The universe is very big – the closest star to Earth (other than the Sun) is Proxima Centauri, which sits at a whopping 25 trillion miles away from us. At this distance, even the fastest man-made object ever (NASA’s Parker Solar Probe, which can travel at almost 400,000 mph) would take over seven thousand years to reach it. Now consider all the hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy, spread out across light year after light year, and the (potentially) trillions of galaxies in the observable universe…and we can begin to see that the odds of us ever meeting intelligent life are slim.

However, it is possible that life, albeit not intelligent life, may be more common than we first thought. So common, in fact, that it may exist in our very own solar system.

Aliens in the Solar System

Orbiting our Sun are eight planets. Of these, half are gassy – meaning that they are home to ferocious winds, howling cyclones, and thousands of miles of endless atmosphere with no solid surface underneath to be found. The other half (including Earth) are rocky. But with Mars and Mercury having little to no atmospheres, Mercury and Venus reaching surface temperatures of over 400*C, and all three of these having not a single drop of liquid water, it seems that Earth and Earth alone may be the planet to go to find life in our solar system.

But all hope is not lost! The planets of our local neighbourhood may be mostly hostile and unwelcoming, but there are (at current tallies) 293 moons in our solar system. All of these have solid, rocky surfaces. Some have oceans. Some have atmospheres. Some have geothermal activity and others magnetic fields.

You see, scientists believe that life on Earth may have started some 3.7 billion years ago in the depths of our oceans, where the perfect cocktail of minerals, heat and oxygen came together to form rudimentary organisms. Who’s to say that moons with deep, sub-surface oceans like Enceladus and Europa are any different?

Scientific interest in these moons has grown exponentially over the years, with recent missions including that of JUICE (the JUpiter Icy moons Explorer), which hopes to look closely for signs of life around the ocean-moons Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa.

It’s hard to get our hopes up, though. Life is delicate, and space isn’t kind to it. Ionising solar radiation, fierce tidal forces from gargantuan parent planets, violent temperature fluctuations, collisions, droughts and more, all play a part in making it almost impossible for life to be born, to survive, let alone to thrive. Life on Earth is a consequence of millions of tiny miracles – we can only keep our fingers crossed that it might happen again.

Without atmospheres, magnetic fields, or thick ice sheets to protect life from the harshness of space, planets and moons become barren. Some of the most cutting-edge space exploration being conducted today is being done on one-such world: Mars.

You see, despite being a lifeless wasteland today, we believe that around three billion years ago, our red neighbour may have been covered by vast, deep, and potentially flourishing water-oceans, before factors such as a dwindling magnetic field, atmospheric stripping and global evaporation formed the planet we know today.

Since our first attempt to land scientific equipment on Mars in 1962, we have come leaps and bounds in the complexity of the technology active on this planet, as well as the information gleaned from it. Orbital reconnaissance has mapped the Martian surface in more detail than parts of our own ocean floors; rovers with long drill bits have analysed Martian soil down to the atoms; and, as of 2021, we’ve even flown a small helicopter through the thin Martian air!

The next rover on Mars might well be the Rosalind Franklin rover, engineered in partnership with the ESA and complete with the ability to study rocks up to two metres below Mars’ surface. The priority for this mission will be the search for biosignatures – evidence of past life in the rocks, including small fossils and chemical traces.

So perhaps the first evidence we’ll find of life beyond Earth will be that of a long-gone, ancient lifeform, extinct for billions of years. This may seem like a long time ago, but the universe is old, and a few billion years can pass in a blink of an eye. Soon enough, us humans will be this ancient species, and the footprints we leave behind in the forms of our radio bubble, our decorated space probes, and the evidence buried in the soil of our home planet, may be uncovered by the next intelligent lifeforms to visit our side of the universe.

Like archaeologists uncovering the ruins of a once-great city, many astronomers find the search for extra-terrestrial life exhilarating. Think about it – if you could send any message into the stars, what would you say?


Full references / credits:

(Banner) The Arecibo Message. Credit: Arne Nordmann CC BY-SA 3.0 (

(1a) The “Wow!” Signal. Credit: Big Ear Radio Observatory and North American AstroPhysical Observatory (NAAPO) [public domain].

(1b) The bands of the electromagnetic spectrum and how well Earth’s atmosphere blocks the different types of light from space reaching the ground. Credit: OpenStax CC BY 4.0 (

(2) Proxima Centauri, our next-door neighbour. Credit: ESA/Hubble CC BY 4.0 (,_our_nearest_neighbour.jpg)

(3a) The locations of the star systems closest to the Sun. Credit: NASA/Penn State University

(3b) Artist’s concept of the Milky Way Galaxy. NASA / JPL-Caltech / R. Hurt (SSC-Caltech)

(3c) The Webb Telescope's first deep field showcasing many distant galaxies. Credit: NASA, ESA, CSA, and STScI

(4a) Some of the oldest evidence of life on Earth can be found around these hydrothermal vents. Credit: NOAA

(4b) A “selfie” taken by the Curiosity rover on Mars in 2019. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS